Spell Bee

How to play? Game 12 - THEAR.

  1. Click letters in hexes to create as many word as you can. For each one you will receive points at the end of the game.

  2. To complete and move on to the next game, you must correctly guess all the words in the crossword. There are also extra words not included in the crossword that are scored as well.

  3. You don't have to use all the letters, but letter in the center must be included. Only words that are 3 or more characters long are accepted. Letters can be repeated in a word.

  4. If you find yourself at an impasse, press the advice button light-bulb to receive a letter to your crossword. Advice will cost you 15 Honey Jars honey-jars.

  5. For every correctly guessed word, you will earn points. A 3-letter word awards you 3 points, while words longer than 3 letters grant you a point for each letter they contain.

  6. For your convenience, there is a letter shuffling button - with its help you can swap letters in the fields in order to look at them from a new angle.

  7. You cannot use some words, such as words with hyphens, proper nouns, profanity, made-up words.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I see the "Invalid word" message?

This message means that the word was not found in our dictionary. If you think the word is correct, please let us know in the form below.

How was our dictionary created?

Spell Bee uses its own dictionary, which is a combination of dictionaries from Spelling Bee Solver and Word Tips. Words are selected selectively, mostly verbs and nouns in the singular form, as well as some of the most common pronouns, numerals, etc.

Type the word you think should be in the dictionary.